Let’s shake it up: An earthquake investigation

Volume 9 | Gr. 6–8 | U28118

Materials needed:
2 pieces of sturdy cardboard ( cardboard from a binder works well) [BE01304(A)]
• 2 rubber bands (BE01000)
• 2 binder clips (9729953)
• Wooden ruler (TB20569)
• Masking tape (9701124)
• 4 balls*

*The size of the four balls used should be relational to the size of the cardboard used. For example, if you use two pieces of 8.5″ x 11″ cardboard for the shake table, use four 1″ in diameter bouncy balls. If you use two pieces of 12″ x 16″ cardboard, use four golf balls. If you use two pieces of 18″ x 24″ cardboard, use four tennis balls.